
Does your team or customer need training?

We will design a complete set that suits your needs.

Where necessary, we use our network of healthcare professionals.

We carry out training on, among other things, patient involvement, crisis communication, and the use of social media.

During the training sessions, the camera-mic-team from Myy Health is available to get the most out of the training session sections.

We guarantee impressive coaching – tailored to your organization’s needs.

Check out our training services:

Patient involvement means that the patient is an active participant in the decision-making related to his/her own treatment. Patient involvement is an important factor in building a good patient experience.​

Individual choice of treatment and involving the patient in decision-making is increasingly important, and increases the patient’s commitment to treatment and thus the success of the treatment.​

Together with our clients, we develop tools for healthcare professionals to engage patients in their everyday work. We also provide training on the implementation of tools.​

Are you interested? Contact us.

Preparing for crises and emergencies is increasingly important in a changing media landscape. The unstable political environment, the cyber influence activities, and the emerging fragmented motives in the media make crises even more unpredictable.

Well-maintained communication during a crisis ensures a faster recovery for the organization and minimizes damage. In the training, we learn how to prepare for the crisis, manage it and recover from it. The emphasis of the training will be agreed on together with you, and we will review the updated crisis plan together with the participants. If necessary, we will also help you update your plans.

The training can include a portion of media communication as well as a main message training with the camera-mic-team.

Need help with using social media? Do Meta tools cause you problems? No worries, we will help you with this as well.

The training can be aimed at either only those who use social media on a daily basis in their work, or extended to the entire sales and marketing team. The skill level of the participants determines how deeply we immerse ourselves in the world of social media. We will always calibrate coaching to the appropriate level to meet your organization’s goals.

Is your organization’s history consistent? In order to create an integrated brand experience, it is very important that the entire organization is able to convey the right main messages. Practicing these messages is important for both the management, the sales team and those working with the media. As part of the training, either interview exercises or simulated sales situations are carried out with the camera-mic-team. If your main or sales messages need to be updated, we can also include a workshop in the training set where the messages are updated before the training.

Do the wellbeing services counties or the Life Science sector operating environment concern you? Economic pressure, resource shortages and developing wellbeing services counties are constantly shaping our operating environment. What are the decision-making mechanisms that provide opportunities for the private sector to take action? What is the current situation in the wellbeing services counties? We train you for the latest changes, always tailoring according to your organization.

An up-to-date LinkedIn profile is the business card of a modern seller. LinkedIn has become a major channel for B2B sales and marketing. During the training, you will learn how to use LinkedIn in sales work and integrate it into the sales process. We introduce the best practices for networking and identifying sales opportunities. This allows for the strengthening and expansion of the sales process through social sales.

The training provides the tools to revitalize your sales process through data visualization. You will learn how to combine the basics of visual presentation with effective sales techniques to highlight regional differences or epidemiological data in a clear and impactful way. The training provides strategies for updating the sales process and technology, including relevant visualizations. This approach not only improves customer encounters, but also strengthens your sales, creating new opportunities for effective dialogue.